As part of the USCIS Office of Citizenship, which promotes instruction and training on citizenship, the Citizenship Resource Center provides free citizenship materials preparation and study materials.
Citizenship Materials Easier to Access on All Handheld Devices
Beginning December 12, these citizenship materials have become easier to use from a smartphone, tablet or other mobile device. Among the improvements, the new design puts key navigational links inside a single “hamburger” icon like that found on many other mobile sites. This redesign follows the launch of mobile friendly design on other parts of and earlier this year.
The experienced immigration attorney at Porter Law Office, LLC has helped numerous individuals achieve their dream of obtaining U.S. citizenship through the naturalization process.
Mandated by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. L. No. 107–296), the USCIS Office of Citizenship’s goal is to promote instruction and training on citizenship rights and responsibilities, including the development of educational materials.
According to a statement on the Citizenship Resource Center, “the mission of the Office of Citizenship is to provide federal leadership, tools, and resources to proactively foster immigrant integration. To facilitate this process, the Office of Citizenship engages and supports partners to welcome immigrants, promote English language learning and education on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, and encourage U.S. citizenship.”
Specifically, the Office of Citizenship is focused on three specific areas of work:
The experienced immigration lawyer at Porter Law Office, LLC is dedicated to assisting individuals navigate the complex immigration rules and regulations to obtain the benefit sought. Specifically, Porter Law Office, LLC has helped numerous individuals obtain U.S. citizenship through the naturalization process. Our firm is conveniently located outside of Columbus, Ohio in the suburb of Gahanna. If you need help with an immigration issue, or if you have questions on becoming a U.S. citizen, contact Columbus, Ohio immigration attorney Matthew R. Porter today for free consultation to discuss your case.
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255 Lincoln Circle, Suite A, Columbus, Ohio 43230
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